Maple includes many interactive assistants that allow you to perform related tasks in a single point-and-click environment. Assistants allow you to explore different aspects of your questions and solutions, control algorithm and display options, and create mini-applications to explore particular problems.
The Plot Builder Assistant helps you create different kinds of 2-D and 3-D plots and animations, and set options such as variable ranges, colors, transparency, and tickmark spacing. It supports the creation of a wide variety of plot types, including polar, complex, conformal, contour, density, and implicit plots. Only those plot types and options that are appropriate for your expression are offered as choices.
The ODE Analyzer provides an interface for solving and exploring solutions to ODEs. With the ODE Analyzer, you can set initial conditions, choose between numeric and symbolic solvers, explore the effects of changing options for various methods, plot the solution, and even generate the Maple command that is equivalent to the options you select, for reuse in your document or code.
The Back-Solving Assistant automatically generates a back-solver for your equation, allowing you to solve for any variable in your formula instantly, given the values of the other parameters. With the back-solver created by the assistant, you can set constraints on any of your parameters and plot the behavior of your formula as parameters vary. The assistant also accepts symbolic parameters, displaying all possible solutions.
The Exploration Assistant allows you to instantly create interactive mini-applications from any Maple expression, which can be used to explore the parameters of the expression. With these applications, you can use sliders to change the values of the parameters and see instant results.
Other interactive assistants include: