Maple provides an extensive suite of visualization tools. Create 2-D and 3-D plots and animations interactively using the Plot Builder Assistant and context-sensitive menus. Maple also includes a large collection of commands and programming tools for plot creation and customization. These commands can be used interactively or included in Maple programs and scripts to create custom specialized plots and advanced applications.
- 2-D and 3-D graphs and animations
- Over 200 plot types and options, including implicit, contour, complex, polar, vector field, conformal, density, ODE, PDE, and, statistical plots
- Engineering plots, including time and frequency domain responses and root-locus and root-contour plots
- Wide variety of coordinate systems
- Comprehensive Plotting Guide to plot types and options
- Extensive customization and annotation tools
- Layering of graphics and animations of different types
- Standard geometric objects, regular solids, and polyhedra
- Live Data Plots for creating and customizing statistical plots such as area charts, histograms, and pie charts
- Smart plot view automatically focuses on the region of a 2-D plot that is more meaningful
- Zoom and pan 2-D and 3-D plots and animations
- Point probe for exploring the coordinates of 2-D plots
- Real-time rotation of 3-D plots
- Interactive control of parameters through slider controls
- Add additional curves to a graph by dragging mathematical expressions into the plot region
- Plot Builder Assistant for point-and-click creation and customization of many kinds of plots and animations
- Modify plot options interactively using context-sensitive menus and toolbar buttons
- Create and explore popular fractals, including the Mandelbrot, Julia, Newton, and other time-iterative fractals.